Saturday, January 21, 2012

Keyboard Shortcuts for Internet Browsers

Online Browsing has become a part of our life. To browser online, we use different browsers like IE, Chrome, FF, Opera, Safari etc. Most of the browsers support some common shortcuts to make our browsing fast and easy. 

Now I am gonna suggest you some useful browsing shortcuts:

A1t + left arrow - Back to the previous page. 
Alt + Backspace Back to the previous page. 
Alt + Right Arrow - Go to the forward page. 
F5 - Reload the current page
Esc - Stop loading a page. 
Ctrl + Enterto visit you can just type google and press Ctrl+Enter. www  
                        and .com will be automatically typed
Ctrl + N - Open new browsing window. 
Ctrl + P - Print the current page. 
Ctrl + T -Open a new Tab. 
Ctrl + TabSwitch between the Tabs. 
Space bar - Scroll down the page. 
Shift + Space bar - Scroll Up the page. 
Alt + Down Arrow - Show all visited web addresses. 
Alt + D -  Highlight current web address at the address bar. 
Ctrl + L - Highlight current web address at the address bar. 
Ctrl + J - Show download box.