Monday, October 29, 2012

Beranda » , , , , » Awesome Online Visitor Counter for Your Site!

Awesome Online Visitor Counter for Your Site!

Wanna place a gadget in your site like this? It's very simple and easy. But you must complete a few steps to make it. 

This counter is made by 99COUNTERS

  1. First, visit and sign up for free. 
  2. If you're asked to confirm the account then confirm it. 
  3. Then click on Create a Counter. 
  4. Choose Theme, Counter Name and Time Zone.
  5. Now hit on Save.
  6. Then you'll get Counter Code in the object embed code. Copy the code (Ctrl+C) and place it in your site.  I'm showing the system for blogger blog. 
  7. Now sign in to your blogger account.
  8. Go to Design > Layout > Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript>Paste the code in the Content Box and hit on Save. 
  9. Now view your site. 

See the Demo below

To be honest, this types of counters consume your loading time. In that case you can also use simple counter. Such as-
It will be look like as below: 
free hit counter

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