When visiting the various web sites you may notice that some sites have stylish visitor counter. There are different styles and shapes of this counter. A revolving visitor map can increase your site's beauty and it can show the popularity of your page too. So why you don't adding one? Adding a 3D visitor counter is very easy. Follow the steps below:
- Open your blogspot site and go to design.
- Then hit on Layout option.
- Now click on add a gadget (Choose gadget from the place where you want it to be placed).
- Now choose HTML/ Java Script gadget from Add a Gadget
- Now copy and paste the following code in the content box and save.
- Now save the code and save arrangement. Check the result.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://jf.revolvermaps.com/r.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> rm_f1st('0','220','true','false','000000','5nkzpd600sp','true','ff0000'); </script><noscript><applet codebase="http://rf.revolvermaps.com/j" code="core.RE" width="220" height="220" archive="g.jar"> <param name="cabbase" value="g.cab" /><param name="r" value="true" /> <param name="n" value="false" /><param name="i" value="5nkzpd600sp" /> <param name="m" value="0" /><param name="s" value="220" /> <param name="c" value="ff0000" /><param name="v" value="true" /> <param name="b" value="000000" /><param name="rfc" value="true" /></applet></noscript>
If you're looking for more customization then click here