- Device Drivers not installed / or not installed properly.
- Corruption within system files
- Some other installed program is causing this problem
- Problem with Installed RAM module
To Fix this issue follow the methods mention below:
- Method 1 : Installing Device drivers
- Out-dated or missing Device drivers for your display adapter might also cause this problem
- Simply Run Windows Update
- Click on check for updates
- Click on optional updates & select the drivers for your graphic / display adapter
- Alternatively,
- You can visit your computer /motherboard / Graphic card manufacturer’s website to download and install the latest drivers
- Method 2 : Problem with Installed Ram Module
- To check your RAM for errors
- Go to the start menu
- Type Memory diagnostics tool
- Open the program that appears in start menu search result
- Click on Restart now and check for problems
- Method 3 : Disable a Appearance setting
- Go to Start
- Click on Control Panel
- Click on Appearance and Personalization
- Click on Personalization
- Click Window Color and Appearance
- Click on Open classic appearance properties for more color options
- Click on Effects
- uncheck the checkbox that says Show shadows under menus
- Click OK
Note: If this tutorial worked for you (and it should work), please leave a comment below. Thanks.