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Having been inundated with spam text messages and SMS lately on my iPhone, I went looking for a solution to put an end to it all. Though it’s not as simple as it should be, there is a way to block virtually all spam texts from ever reaching your phone, and it actually works. To do so we’ll have to go through the respective cellular carrier you use, but to understand why this proposed solution it’s helpful to understand the problem a bit more.
How Text Spam Works
Knowing and understanding all of this, to block text spam you’ll need to go through your cell carrier provider and disable the email texting feature, thereby preventing your phones email address from being able to receive texts (If you didn’t even know that your phone number had an email address attached to it for receiving text messages, well you’re not alone there either, but it’s a fairly old feature that doesn’t get much use these days now that services like iMessages and WhatsApp are so commonly used).
Enough talk, let’s get blocking! Note that all of these options are account-wide, meaning if you and your family share an cell account, it will work to block spam for all numbers associated with that account.
Blocking Text Spam with AT&T
- Go to http://mymessages.wireless.att.com and set up the account for your number if you haven’t done so yet – this is different than your standard AT&T account
- Once logged in, go to Preferences > Blocking Options
- Under “Email Delivery Control” check boxes for both “Block all text messages sent to you as email” and “Block all multimedia messages sent to you as email”
- Next, under “Mobile number control” toggle the menu to “BLOCK” to prevent all incoming messages from YOURPHONENUMBER@txt.att.net from ever coming to your phone
- Click “Submit” at the bottom to save the preferences
Blocking Spam Texts on Verizon
- Go to http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/myverizonlp/ and login to your Verizon account (register if you haven’t yet)
- Go to Preferences and Text Messaging, then go to Text Blocking
- Adjust settings to block from BOTH the web and from email
Block Text Spam on T-Mobile & Sprint
- Log in to sprint.com account, go to Text Messaging > Settings & Preferences > Text Messaging Options and disable email sending
In depth instructions can be found on T-Mobile Support (thanks Warren!), but the basis is:
- Log into the T-Mobile account and go to Communication Tools
- Disable text messages sent from email
Once configured on your respective cellular carrier, you should never see one of these annoying messages again:
This includes even if you eventually have a phone other than an iPhone, whether that’s an old fashioned dumb-phone, a Windows Phone, Blackberry, or Android… as long as the carrier stays the same and so does your account, the settings change will follow you. If you do change cellular providers though, you will need to make the Email Text Message adjustments again for new cell carrier.