Twitter is among one of the most popular social networking sites. Many people follow you and it plays an important role in marketing of a blog/websites. There are many widgets related to Twitter which many blogger use to promote their blogs and also you can see them on many websites. So here i am going to share a very useful and cool TWITTER Animated Flying Bird Widgetwhich attracts the readers on your blog to follow you on Twitter. To add this widget to your blog, follow the simple steps.
- Login To Your Blogger Dashboard.
- Go To Template.
- Backup Your Template From Backup/Restore Gear Menu At The Top Right Side.
- Click On Edit HTML
- Search For The </body> Tag By Pressing Ctrl+F:
- Then Paste The Following Code Just Above </body> Tag.
<!-- Twitter Bird Widget for Blogger -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
var twitterAccount = "tutorials_park";
var tweetThisText = "";
<!-- Twitter Bird Widget for Blogger-->
- Save Your Template
Note: Change “tutorials_park” to your own Twitter username.
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