ALEXA provides facility to the users to share their experiences and views about the certain blog/website. You can view the data and information about specific blog/site on ALEXA to know that which blog/website has what kind of a reputation. People wrote different reviews about the blogs/websites and everyone has their own point of view. Writing a review about other blogs/websites helps in increasing ALEXA rank of your blog/webiste too. You can write a review about a blog/website on ALEXA, by following these steps:
- Go to
- If you are not register, get yourself register first.
- After register, go to ALEXA homepage, and search for a website. E.g.,, or any other website on which you want to write a review.
- In “Site Info” page, click on (I)”REVIEWS” tab in dialog box below. Click on (II) “Write a Review” button to write a review about the website.
- A “Write A Review” window will open, fill in all the fields. Click (I) “Preview” Button to preview your review Or Click (II) “Submit” Button to submit your review.
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