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I do not know if this topic deserves a dedicated tutorial or not, but I saw several search keywords that indicate there are some users who should need to be made aware of it. The CM File Manager was introduced with CM 10 to provide the users with a nice alternative for a nice file explorer with root access functionality. The app has 2 themes – light and dark – to chose from and its holo design looks pretty nice and clean.
The CM 10 File Manager is basically a root file explorer but it requires this feature to be enabled first. While an advanced user can easily setup the root access mode because he is aware of it, the beginners might not even know about the existence of any such features. If your phone does not have an external memory slot, you might not even need that feature to be enabled. But if you are using an external SD card in your device, it’s natural that you would like to access your extsd card.
So, here is how you can do it. There ‘s nothing complicated about it and needs just enabling the root feature from CM File Manger settings. Open the file manager app and tap on the menu icon (three vertical dots) on the bottom bar. Select Settings> General Settings and tap on “Access Mode”. You will see a popup window with 3 options, select “Root Access Mode”.
Now return back to the screen that shows list of directories. Here you will a folder named “storage”. Tap on it. Now you’ll see a folder entitled “emulated” that contains the files on your internal SD card. To see files on the external storage, open “sdcard1″ folder. That’s it!
So this was our simple little tutorial to access internal and external storage on your Android device with with CM File Manager which is now used in all CM 10 and other CM or AOSP based custom ROMs.