In Blogger, a new feature named as PERMALINK has launched which is one very useful SEO friendly tool. Now you can use this tool to create your own CUSTOM URL’s by using this PERMALINK feature instead of blogger post default URL’s which contains the keywords which are not very useful. This is best SEO technique, because you can use some very valuable keywords in your custom URL to get high power ranking and better CTR (Click Through Rate). Since there is no limit to write keywords in URL’s but Google shows only 70 characters and cuts rest of the URL, so try to add 3-4 valuable keywords in your custom URL.
Characters That Are Accepted And Not Accepted In CUSTOM URL:
While writing the custom URL, take care that which characters must be used.
- (DASH) and _ (Underscore) are accepted.
! @ # $ % ^ & * () = + ‘ ? ; “ : / | \ [] . , and SPACE are not accepted.
GOOD And BAD Permalink:
Here is an example of Good and Bad Permalink: .html is a BAD permalink. is a GOOD permalink.
You can use the PERMALINK feature by following the below steps:
- Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
- Go to “NEW POST” page.
- You will see the “POST SETTINGS” options in the sidebar on the right-hand side. Click on PERMALINK option.
- Click (I) CUSTOM PERMALINK. (II) Enter the URL. E.G.”YOUR URL GOES HERE.” with some useful keywords of your own choice related to the post and click (III) DONE.
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