When answering the above questions, firstly, I would describe Diary Buddy as adopting an informal style. As you’ll soon notice, the app the very colourful and doesn’t look boring or bland in any shape or form. The app is also free so you never ever need to pay anything. One thing I should mention is that the app is ad-free too. I get the feeling that the developers are more focused on delivering a good service instead of making profit for themselves.The interface on Diary Buddy is fun and inviting.
And even though I can stand advertisements, they do get annoying and I’m sure many others would say exactly the same. This unfamiliar move to make everything free just makes the experience better. The final question about extras will be explained as we move through this article.Exploring Diary Buddy
Once downloading the tiny 2MB file which is Diary Buddy, you’ll be faced with quite an empty display. When adding your first note this is the process you will go through. Working from the top to bottom there is quite a lot of fields which you can change. The first is a mood bar which is hidden up in the top left corner.Here there is a range of different moods and they all relate to a colour. I love this because even if you don’t have time to add loads of details you can quickly record a quick piece of information. Next along you can pick your location, if your location settings are turned on this will be set instantly. Further down you can add an image which relates to that specific day — this a great way to capture memories.
Adding doodles is really easy.
In the settings bar at the bottom you have options to add a video, more photos, a drawing or a voice recording. It was the drawing feature which was the best extra for me. Clicking on the drawing picture you’re taken to what is a Paint-Like interface. By only giving you the bare basics and only eighteen different colours there is no need to spend hours perfecting your image. After finishing the simple doodle this can be also added to the diary entry.Collecting Everything Together
Once you’ve finished modifying your entry its automatically saved to your phone. You can also choose to email the entry to anyone you like. I use this feature a lot so I can share my day’s thoughts and pictures with friends and family. This quick and effective method allows me to back up entries as well as sharing memories — something which is hard with a written diary.The app collects all your doodles together so you can track them easier.
Searching for past events is very easy as you have an interactive calendar. This means you don’t have to go searching down a humongous list once your entries build up. Another feature which I liked was that all of your photos, videos, doodles and voice recordings are saved individually in “Collections.” This makes it generally easier to find one particular type of medium.
Is Anything Missing?
There’s only a few things that are really missing on Diary Buddy too. The first is an external backup such as Dropbox, if at any time you lose or wipe your phone all your entries are instantly gone. To have complete peace of mind this would be helpful.Finding old entries isn’t difficult.
The second thing which would be a complete desire would be apps on every platform. I’m sure that something like this is in the mind of the developers because it would be beneficial for users like me who have other devices on different platforms. However, for the time being, I’m more than happy to use this application on my mobile phone.Wrap-Up
I also really need to commend the developers of Diary Buddy as they’ve done a pretty good job in designing this application. I actually couldn’t believe that this has been their first ever project because of the high standard of everything. It really proves that the best apps don’t have to come from the major developers who plough millions into their applications. I wish the team the best of luck for the future and can’t wait to see the app advance.Note: If this tutorial worked for you (and it should work), please leave a comment below. Thanks.