Drop Me a Line
Open up Filedrop, and it will start looking for other computers on the same network that are also running Filedrop. It’s important to remember that Filedrop has to be open on both computers; it doesn’t run in the background. When Filedrop finds your friend’s machine, just drag a file (or more than one) onto the image of his desktop. Green fireflies will swirl around the Filedrop window while you wait, and when everything’s done, you’ll get a confirmation that the upload is 100% complete.Accept a file being sent to you. Or don’t. Up to you.
It’s just as easy to accept a file via Filedrop. When someone sends you a file or folder, you’ll get an incoming transfer alert. Accept or decline the transfer, and choose to save to your default folder or elsewhere. When the transfer’s complete, you’ll get the same 100% confirmation as your friend sending the file.Click the downloaded files button to take a look at all of the files you’ve received. My default folder is Downloads, so that’s what my button says, but if you’re using Documents or Desktop, the name of the folder that receives your Filedrop downloads will show up on the button instead. Your most recent files will show up there in a list. Click the filename to open the file, or hit the spyglass icon to locate the file in Finder. If the file’s been moved, though, it won’t appear in the list.
Filedrop’s Features
There aren’t any settings or any kind of options for Filedrop. It does what it says on the tin and that’s it. Not that it isn’t a great app, because it sure can shift those files around, and it doesn’t miss a beat when it’s trying to locate other computers running Filedrop, finding them instantly.Mobile on Its Way
That’s going to be great, but it’s not out, yet. I can’t tell you how well it works with iOS, because the iOS apps don’t exist. (And I wouldn’t be able to tell you about the Android app at all, ever, because I’m not that cool.) The developer promises we won’t have long to wait, though, only a few weeks, at most. Filedrop is just so good and the features in conjunction with the mobile apps are so promising, I don’t mind waiting. Much.Final Thoughts
AirDrop is great if you’re only ever around other Macs, and while that’s great in fantasy land, most of us interact with PC-users regularly. We’re long past the days of wondering if our files are Mac- or PC-compatible, and we want our computers to get along with each other just as well. Filedrop bridges the gap, and does so nicely.
Note: If this tutorial worked for you (and it should work), please leave a comment below. Thanks.